All your subscription payments together in one place

Never lose track of your team spending on subscriptions and recurring payments, and never get charged more than you signed up for.

Tribal Credit Spend Control tools for startups
slack, google, facebook, linkedin, asana, adobe, zoom, squarespace, aws hosting, zendesk, mailchimp,
Hassle-free subscription management

Empower your team to easily pay for the tools and subscriptions they need without losing track of what they’re spending on, when a payment is made, or your total subscription spend. Save money and avoid duplicate and hidden charges by creating unique virtual cards for each recurring payment.

See what Tribal can do for you:

unlimited virtual cards

Unlimited virtual cards

Create a unique virtual card for each subscription to avoid overspend, and easily deactivate them in one click when you no longer need them. Sticking to virtual cards helps keep your physical card numbers secure.

Complete visibility

Complete visibility

With our easy reporting tools, you’ll always know when a payment is made and what subscriptions your team is paying for. And because it’s easy to spot duplicates, you’ll never pay twice for the same subscription.

Customize spend categories

Customize spend categories

Use the Tribal dashboard to categorize every transaction and subscription. You can also add custom tags to organize according to your own expense categories.

Flexible real-time controls

Flexible real-time controls

With spend limits for each virtual card, pay exactly what you signed up for and never get charged hidden fees. Instantly deactivate cards and users so you aren’t paying for subscriptions after they’re cancelled or when people leave.

Single-use cards for subscription trials

Single-use cards for subscription trials

No more forgetting to cancel free trials. Set single-use cards for subscription trials to avoid accidentally paying the full amount.